When Is A Fetal Well-Being Scan Done During A Pregnancy?

 There are several scans that are essential during your pregnancy. Knowing when to get the respective scan at the right time is something you should do at the beginning of your pregnancy. A fetal well-being scan is one such scan that you should get in order to make sure the growth and developments of your baby are normal. Visit a private ultrasound scan clinic during week 24 to get this scan and make sure there are no complications to your pregnancy. By week 24, there are several things that can be detected by the sonographer to make sure the growth is normal. You can have this scan even after week 24. 

There are several reasons why your doctor might recommend you to have this scan. Take a look at what these reasons are: 

    • If your placenta is not in its right position and lying low after week 20. 

    • If there is a condition present detected by the sonographer during your previous scan. 

    • If your baby’s measurement doesn’t look normal and it looks like it could be smaller or larger. 

    • If you have a history of giving birth prematurely

    • If you had the condition of preeclampsia in your previous pregnancy. 

    • If you are suffering from gestational diabetes as it can lead to some abnormalities if proper treatment is not given. 

    • If the sonographer thinks that your baby is in a breech position which can lead to other problems. 

With the help of the fetal well-being scan, your sonographer will be able to measure the head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length of your baby. With these measurements, your doctor will be able to figure out if your baby’s growth is normal. Also, if it is not normal how much small or bigger it is than normal. This scan will also tell you the estimated fetal weight. 

The scan will also see the movement of your baby, see the amount of amniotic fluid and determine the position of the placenta. It can also be determined whether your baby is getting the required oxygen and water. The reason behind the abnormal growth of your baby can be detected with the help of this scan. Your doctor will give you the perfect treatment to deal with this complication. Sometimes things can be solved before the birth and sometimes treatment is provided after the birth depending on the severity of the situation.

Therefore, get your fetal well-being scan done in a private ultrasound scan clinic as soon as possible once it is recommended by the doctor. And if you want to know more information about private ultrasound scan do check our Facebook page. And before making a decision, make sure you go through the reviews.


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